An ad is posted twice
So you’ve seen an ad posted two times… what’s that about?
Trovit, Mitula, Nestoria and Nuroa are search engines in which we show results from many different websites. Therefore, if you have found the same ad more than once, there are two reasons for it to happen:
When someone wants to advertise something it’s quite common that he or she publishes an ad on several property portals to reach more users. In this case, our search engine would find them and display them. Nevertheless, we have developed a technology that allows us to erase duplicated ads and display only the most relevant ones. Unfortunately, as an automated system, there’s always a margin of error. If you have found a duplicated ad, please contact us at and we will take it down.
What if one of the ads shows a lower price than the other? That should immediately put you on alert. If you have doubts about an ad not being legit, please access and take a look at our Security tips.