My ad appears with wrong information
Ads appearing in Trovit, Mitula, Nestoria and Nuroa search results, are originally published either in third party’s property portals or Lifull Connect Group property portals.
This means that the ads we show in our search results at Trovit, Mitula, Nestoria and Nuroa, should have the same information as in the original website where the ad was published. If your ad has incorrect data on our referred sites, it is very likely that the information is also wrong in the original website. Please check it and ask the property portal who published the ad to correct the information. Once it’s done, it will be automatically updated it in our Trovit, Mitula, Nestoria and Nuroa search results within approximately 24 hours.
If, upon checking the original source, the content on Trovit, Mitula, Nestoria and Nuroa still does not match, please contact us at, send us a screenshot or link to the original ad and another one where we can see how it is displayed in our sites, so we can check any issues.